Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How long is too long to put up with him and how can I stop it?

I am 17, a junior in high school and I can't stand my dad. He does stupid stuff all of the time but when someone else does something minor it is like they just went on a killing rampage or something for example my mom backed into my sister car resulting in small dent. He yelled at my mom for 3 hours and he still wouldn't give it up saying "she should have her license revoked." He gets mad at me for my "poor" handwriting saying I will never get a job with that kind of chicken scratch. When I was 7 I got poison ivy on the last day of camp when I got home I asked my dad to put calamine on my back because it was itchy, instead he scratched it with sandpaper and told me to leave him alone. He also made my mom sleep on the floor because she was sick and he didn't want to catch it. He will randomly come into my room with a trash bag and start picking everything in his sight up and throwing it away including my textbooks, shoes, ipod, cellphone, and homework(I do my homework on the for because my desk isn't steady). He claims that if I wanted something that was on the floor then it wouldn't have been there the bags always go to the curb(I'm lucky if i can sneak out to get stuff back). I started cutting myself because he says things that are so demeaning. when the school found out and called home, he peeled the scabs i had and made me put lemon juice in them. I did stop after that but we would still get calls of that nature, after about the third call he told me " this **** has to stop now". He tells me that I need to go get a job because I'm not very social. I take numerous AP cles so after school is for study. He also spends my money saying I won't have any use for it because I'll just end up on a street corner. When ever I go shopping with my cousins he always says "whats the point, no amount of nice clothes or make up could make you remotely attractive." He threw away all of the clothes I just bought for back to school because they were too slutty, I thought I was going to end up there any way. sometimes i wish he would just die because then the world wouldn't have to put up with him. i know what he says isn't true but after a while its all you can think about then you believe it. I'm not sure how much more I can take. I think the worst part is I have noticed I have a short temper. I'm not sure what to do. The littlest of things set him off and the things are always changing. My mom doesn't think any thing is wrong so I can't go to her to talk, I don't think she cares much anymore.

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